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Men of Faith!!!

13 Dec

I’ve always enjoyed singing for the Lord and i just missed my dear friend Prem today when i was listening to one of the old songs that we played when we were both together in our undergrad education. This song still motivates me to keep up my faith. Hope we guys grow up everyday to be Men of Faith!!!

and Hope we will be called “Good and Faithful servant” by the Lord one day!!!

Missing all my friends in college.

The Broken Rib

12 Dec

A song that i wrote!!! 🙂 and am writing 🙂 🙂


The broken Rib

Now Adam was in a perfect world

Filled with mammals and greeneries

Commander over all the earth

Still Adam was so lonely…. So lonely


The Lord gave Adam a peaceful sleep,

He took one bone of the man’s left rib (He took one bone of Adam’s rib)

The mother of all living, the beauty Eve was formed,

The Lord brought Eve before him, and Adam sang,



Male voice:        You’re my bone of bones,

You’re my flesh of flesh……

  Female voice:   I’m your bone of bones

                                  I’m your flesh of flesh

Male voice:        My perfect helper, my broken rib

  Female voice: I am your broken rib

Male voice:        You are my broken rib!!!!!